Our goal is to build Denmark’s first Centre of Excellence in Pediatric Palliative Care. It is designed to be a specialized research centre for children with a life-threatening diagnosis in a home-from-home environment free of charge.
It will offer expert nursing and medical care, including the management of difficult symptoms, for children and adolescents at end of life, alongside practical and emotional support for their families.
The Centre will meet the need for specialized scientific research on Palliative Care for children, adolescents and their families developing best practices for easing anxiety and pain management.
It will take a holistic approach to support the entire family from diagnosis to end-of-life and throughout bereavement offering bespoke service to suit their needs.
The Centre will provide planned and emergency respite, which will allow families an opportunity to leave their child overnight in a safe environment where they will receive specialized care.
In addition to bedrooms for children and adolescents with terminal illnesses there will be five family flats, two palliative bedrooms with family suites, meditation garden, chapel, media room, hydrotherapy pool, physiotherapy centre, activity rooms for art, music and drama therapy, counselling rooms, a playground, common kitchen, living room and dining room, reception lobby, nursing station and medical rooms.
We can build the leading pediatric palliative centre caring for children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families.
Our Sovereign Order is a Christian, chivalric, ecumenical, and international community of members, who continue more than 900 years of tradition helping the sick and the less fortunate of all nationalities, races, and creeds
The first step to building the Dagmar Centre of Excellence is to establish a state-approved foundation so that we can legally raise the capital required over the next few years.
Now we must have our foundation certified so that we can issue Charitable Tax Receipts to future Donors. To achieve certification, we must have 300 individuals who will support us with a minimum of DKK 250.00.
1,00 kr.
For a minimum of DKK 250 you will become one of “The 300 Support Members” and your money will go to the creation of Denmark’s first Centre of Excellence in Pediatric Palliative Care.
Step 1: Select amount
Fill in your desired amount in the field below. The amount is in Danish kroner DKK and the minimum amount is 250,
c/o Commander Jens A. Vexø,
Sølvgade 102, st. th.
DK-1307 København K
London: +45 7522 403 355
Denmark: +45 30 33 33 13
Mail: jensvexo@gmail.com
CVR: 40744835
Bank transfer:
Danske Bank
Reg no: 9570 Account: 1299 7647
Mobile Pay: 387000